Meet Your Stranger.
This is my new, personal project I am starting up. I will be blogging it, but its main format will be a magazine. A magazine that I create, and just keep for myself.
I wanted to pick a new hobby, and something to work on so I started this. I am incredibly excited about it.
I will ask a stranger of my choosing that I see out and about during life. I will ask anywhere between 3-5 questions. Questions that for some may be hard to answer. Just a way of getting to know people out in the community. There is a certain cleansing to this kind of interaction. Answering random, personal questions from a stranger? I am excited about this.
It is going to be a work in progress and I am sure each post will get better as this matures.
Meet Your Stranger: Denny.
Denny is your local Batista at Austin's Coffee Shop in Winter Park Florida. She is a veteran here as she has been there the longest out of the staff, with a total of 4 years there. The date I conducted this interview was August 19, 2016.
State of mind: a little tired/ a lot going on / feels calm
1.) Current Favorite song? : Easy, Easy by: King Krule
( reaction to question: knew the answer right away, felt comfortable)
Likes this song because it is feel good, calm, upbeat, and uplifting
2.) Would you classify as a feminist? Why or why not? :
( reaction to question: Had to put a moment of thought into but seemed as if this was a subject she was comfortable in)
"Yes and no. I Believe in what feminism stands for. Everyone deserves equality. I am all about Woman's rights/equality but I am not an extremist. I don't like the aura that comes with the word now of days. I do not feel the need to label as a feminist because I feel it should be a given to be for equal rights for humans. It should be the norm, we shouldn't need a name for it. I think even having the name " feminism" separates us from what the regular should be. "
3.) What do you want to be forgiven for? :
( Reaction to question: took a minute or two to answer, seemed as if she did not know how personal to get, seemed as though she was really searching for this answer)
" I want to be forgiven for a situation dealing with a relationship. The ending of the relationship had a lot of animosity. Things got really built up and out of control. I feel as though I did not handle things as well as I could of. I want to be forgiven for not giving my all and allowing my emotions get the best of me. I want this forgiveness not for me but for him. I have moved on and accepted it all. I know he is still holding on to things in anger. I want him to forgive me so he can move forward."
Denny's thoughts on this experience:
" I felt surprisingly comfortable the whole time. I knew if I did not want to answer I did not have to. I am usually more of a private person, but I knew I did not have to say if I did not want too."
My thoughts on Denny:
She had a calmness to her, very pleasant. She seemed very sweet and kind natured. A unique gal. Someone I could see myself being friends with.