Letter To My Future Self
“We do not “come into” this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree.” – Alan Watts.
Dear Victoria,
" Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude".
In this letter to you, Victoria, the thing I want to get across the most is about life. It is so short, fragile, beautiful, lovely, scary, and an ongoing adventure. It is so important not to take this time you have here on this beautiful earth for granted.
It is important to remember that you are alive, you are happy. Life is always going to have its ups and down but NEVER lose your fire, light, and free- spiritedness.
Travel is such a huge part of my life and I think it always will be.Make sure you never stop exploring no matter how mad dad says he is at you!
" I urge you to travel, as far and as much as possible. Work ridiculous shifts to save your money. Go without the latest iPhone. Throw yourself out of your comfort zone. Find out how other people live and realize that the world is a much bigger place than the town you live in; and when you come home, home may still be the same, & yes, you may go back to the same job , but something in your mind will will have shifted- and trust me, that changes everything."
TRAVEL IS A GODDAMN DREAM AND YOU SHOULD NOT MISS OUT ON IT. You have not yet in life regretted one of your travel adventures. So do not feel bad for the lust you have to see the world and meet new people and be immersed in new culture and surroundings. The reason you are such a free spirit and alive and aware is because of your travels. Not everyone in your life is going to approve of how you are living and what your priorities are and you have to learn to be accept that because that will never change.
10 years from now make sure that you can say that you choose your life- you didn't settle for it.
These passages were written on April 7 2016 while we were in Milwaukee living in a good damn good moment in the cutest collectivo coffee shop of my damn life.
YO! Life is a beautiful fucking crazy time! do NOT waste it on dumb shit and dumb people. Say whatever the fuck you want and do whatever the fuck you want. Realize that not every moment is going to be a high but every moment was meant to happen and apart of the moment. You only get this one life - that's it. I think that is kind of crazy. You were gifted with this time on this beautiful life-supporting earth with other talented and crazy, wild humans. Appreciate it- appreciate them. Do not hang on to someone or something that makes you sad; because that's crazy. You ARE worth more than that.
Rae: This chai is very good. Well, i don't really know what to say. Your goal is a better future- it IS ok to reminisce about the past. FUCK THE HATERS. Also, ALWAYS ALWAYS TRY ANAL WITH A NEW SEXUAL PARTNER. ( P.S Raeanna did not say that last part)
( P.s.s: This is Victoria - Yes, Yes she did say that. She loves anal)
When you are in a realtionship or if someone is trying to sell you something just say no. Do not buy and do not give up yourself. Where good shoes. So your veins dont opo at age 40! YOU WANT NICE LEGS ALL YOUR LIFE.Take care of your teeth because that affects your health and your image. Beware of the advie that you get from the world because it is advice that makes you feel good but it is not reality. Take belly dancing classes so that you and your husband can dance together horizaontally in the bedroom ( or in the car, kitchen table, or whereever you feel it ;) ) There is a big difference bewtten giving someone advice and lecturing them. It is a fine line. New skin is wonderful to take care of your skin and keep it healthy.
I did a little project where I asked people in life advice they would give to their future self or their future self. Here are the results:
- Emily Austreng: "Don't dwell on the opinions that others have of you"
-Elisebeth Rodriguez: " It will all work out fine. Just breathe and keep going."
-Lele Marie: "Let go of the anger, laugh more, dance more, learn to live and think positively, and that people like to hear what's going on in my mind.. It's funny."
-Dana Daul: " To feel happiness, always, even when some days you have to dig so deep to find it. Adding to that too..to choose your battles, because 95% of the time what you exert negative energy towards isn't worth it. Life is literally all perspective. Keep your sunshinyness "
-Jessica Ann: "Be true to yourself--don't allow the negativity in the world sway you from being who you want to be or doing what you want to do. Be you. Hold onto your values, your beliefs, and believe in there is good in the world."
-Carli Smits: " Keep on keepin, even if you no you're different, that's okay. Learn not to rely on others even if they rely on you."
-Carole Fitzgerald: " Wherever you go, whatever you do, do it with all your heart.
Live fully with each moment.
Let the beauty within you shine !"
Let the beauty within you shine !"
-Pamela Campbell: "Frequently count your blessings and you will be grateful for exactly who and where you are."
-Arianna Grant: "It's good to be independent and you should start as soon as you can. Wish I heard that sooner."
-Becca Urban: "Don't rush through life to get where you want to be. Take the time to enjoy the experiences you have along the way."
-Emma Vitella: " Forgive and let go so you can enjoy pure happiness and your soul is free of negativity."
-Sal Blando: "Try to enjoy every moment. Slow down and think about all the amazing things you're doing, and the amazing people in your life. Life goes too fast. Enjoy every second!"
- Kurt Nimmer: "Have fun!"
-Andrea Bierke: " Everything you experience has a reason and a purpose, the good stuff and the really bad stuff. Always be loving and kind, even when you don't have the energy for it and never expect anything in return. Family is important but the family you create for yourself is the greatest treasure in the world."
-Rachel Qunitas" WOW THIS IS AWESOME!!! I have so much advice for not only my old self, but for the world..I'll try and make this short!!: let life happen TO you, don't try and control her. It feels much better to live day by day and indulge in the extraordinary presentt of Life! To enjoy the small things, but realize they are the best things of living life...watching the sunrise, feeling a warm summer breeze, laughing with friends. Dream BIG!!! And don't let people tell you that you can't be this, and can't do that because you out of everyone knows that you can. Be easy on yourself, but easier on others...were all first timers at this crazy life so we're gonna mess up, laugh it off ((: TRAVEL FAR! Be weird and don't take life too seriously. Also, understand that we have a choice in life...not in what happens to us, but how we react. Hard times will come, but we have the choice to choose happiness and to learn beautiful lessons from those hardships. Free yourself from the constrains of the egoic mind and run with the wind. Lastly, live for YOU and the world at large...this is your incredible individual journey so make it a beautiful one!! But, also care about your human family, have compassion and leave this world brighter than you found it."
-Niccolo Padalino: " Don't get that credit card and don't mix ever clear with Hawaiian punch. That's why you don't remember most of senior year idiot."
-Bradley Stukey: " Listen to your mother and father."
-Heather Schroeder: "Do not your take family for granted. And most definitely do not stay mad at them. Be understanding, caring and kind. Let them know when they are doing something to upset you, but in the end always remind them how much you love them."
-Colleen Mcshane: "Don't give up on your dreams, even if all seems lost, if you want it, you can achieve it"
- Judy Bondarowicz: "Never go to bed mad! Life is too short never know when you won't get a chance to say sorry."
- Amanda Abegglen: " You aren't that smart (applies to past and future self)"
- Mary Gillespie: " Take more risks, trust God more!"
- Sue Cole: " Take care of yourself when you re young. Old age is tough with bad knees and a potbelly."
- Leon Johnson: " Watch where your going, remember where you've been, not matter where you go- that's where you are, and keep on smiling"
Questions to compare to my view now and when I stubble upon this in the future:
Current thoughts on religion?
That you should explore your options. I grew up forced to be a christian- and I hated it and the church so I became atheist. Then I realized through books and meditation that i believe in the universe and spitrualness. I would still hate on religions, but then I met a friend- Ilya. Who is a die hard christian. I did not write him off. Instead I choose to practise what I preach about being non judgmental and open minded so I went to bible study with him, I am reading a christian book : Mere Christianity" while we reads it to compare. I like being open minded and exploring the different options. I would still say that I am spiritual and believe in mindfulness and being in the present. Christianity does have its good points in life.
Current thoughts on politics?
THIS FIRST ELECTION I GET TO VOTE FOR IS SUCH A CRAZY FIRST VOTING EXPERIENCE. Rae: " It feels like this whole election and presidential candidates is just a bad SNL skit" I could not agree more with that. Donald Trump is crazy and Hillary Clinton is a psycho! Bernie is good - but I do not think America can afford him . He is who I am voting for though. He is what I stand for. Being in a Poly Sci class right now is so helpful in educating me in the current up to date politics so that I am informed.
Feelings for my family?
They are crazy. I love them to death but we are just on different paths right now- but that is okay. Someone once told me; " you may not be able to stand your family, and they drive you insane and you may not like them right now. but they are family and the only one you have. Love them unconditionally even with their flaws. As they do for you." I love my family and I am grateful for their love and goofiness. I was honored with a good family. Even the family I picked myself- my friends. I have such a wonderful community of Friends in my life.
Current likes and dislikes?
Like: good, intellectual conversations that are deep and about life, cute coffee shops, walks thought the woods, kayaking, taking artsy pictures with my friends, laughing, getting high, traveling the world, and being spontaneous.
Dislikes: one-way street friends, society's influence on my body, over thinking, lazy coworkers, bad energy, and Donald Trump.
Where I am in my life and where I hope to be in the future?
I am currently a college student, working at hagemiesters as a server, and working at starbucks as your local barista.
Places I want to see?
I want to see everything and everywhere. On the top of my lit currently is Asia, specifically thailand- vietnam area, New Zealand, and Brazil!
Habits I have formed?
Taking care of my body: eating healthy sustainable food, blogging, journaling, walking through bairds creek, smking cigs, reading a ton, cutting back on netflix, having conversations,and trying to use less plastic.
Habits I want to change?
smoking cigareets, being to hard on myself about my body, letting people walk all over me, and hanging on to toxic people and things.
The type of person I want myself to become?
Where I want to live?
Right now my future plan would be to live in Portland, Oregon.
Overall: Life is weird and we are fortunate enough to be living in these human shells, having relationships, and experiences! We get to love, travel the world, feel too much, spend our days happy and smiling. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
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