I think of my life and how it's all been going on in a blink of an eye. Idon't want to move to quickly yet I want to sprint full speed ahead. Why is that? I have a desire to live and breath life with every ounce of growth, energy and feeling i have. It's like I know my life has a limit, an expiration date. What does it all mean? Will tomrrow I be thinking the same thoughts?
So many thoughts race through my mind in one day even in one hour. Do I feel too much? Or not enough? One moment I visualize what it would be like to be held in a new friends arms and kissed by them for the very first time, then my mind flashes to the time i saw my brother laugh until he cried all because we was satisfied with the little bit of love and joy he had in this life, next I see myself as an old woman, worn with life experience and at my end of my journey. I can never tell in these visualization if i am happy or sad.
Do I want too much? Am I expecting to see and do too much. Is that even possible? The sky's the limit, right?
When I get in these almost sad moments where it is almost like I can see myself and the moments in my life like a movie. Like I'm sprinting full speed down a cobble stone road- just a full on sprint with so many thoughts passing through my mind. Where am I running? I do not know.Where will life take me? I do not know. All I know is that as i am running down that road- that is all there is. My and this road- with the wind in my hair and these moments of pure magic, such a human experience, I know that I am thankful for all I am able to feel. Maybe that is away to look at my sadness and confusion and over thinking. I have the honor to be so humbly human. To be able to feel too much and laugh too hard, to be able to hold the hand of a loved one, or see a stranger crack a smile. I have the honor of being. Being alive.
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