FUTURE: I think it is because, for once I am SO excited about school. I changed my major to public health and global studies and it has changed my attitude about school. I feel excited to be on a path that is finally me, and my passion. It is changing my whole outlook on my future. I cannot wait to see what my path holds for me.
FRIENDS: I think another influence as to why I am not as post travel depressed as usual is because, friends. Being away on my trip made me realize, I have some wonderful wonderful friends in my life. I have always had a big group of friends, but at this time in my life I finally have a good group of loyal friends. All who are people I can be weird, and laugh with. REAL friends. I feel so fortunate. My first day back I had to work, I though it was going to be awful, but I was wrong. My coworkers ( who happened to be my good friends) greeted me with love and joy. My whole day was filled with big laughs, hugs, smiles, and lots of " I MISSED YOUS. It made me feel so at home. I love all the people in my life. One of coworkers, Heather, is a new best friend of mine. We are two peas in a pod. we both love artistic things, being happy, and being kind. I missed her so much when I was gone. I worked with her all day my first day back, and if that wasnt enough, I went over to her house for dinner and stayed all night.
I even have a date tomorrow with one of the guys I've been talking too, I am really looking forward to it. I always enjoy his company.
Ok, the point of all this sappy stuff -> That even if you don't love where you are located, and you have big dream and aspirations, you can still enjoy where you are at. Every step in your life is a stepping stone to your future.
Life can always be what you want it to be, it all depends on your perspective.
Mine is definetly changing, and in perfect time for the New Year.
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