Tuesday, January 26, 2016

back to school

Being back to school this semester is better than I thought. I think the big difference is I actually, really enjoy my classes! I feel a little lame but there things I would like to learn about in my free time so that makes going to school & being an enthusiastic learner not quite that big of a challenge! 

Ion of my classes: introduction to ethics is very fascinating! I love the way it's structured. It's always debates, and talking about controversial issues. The classes is c erg active, and vocal. There is always group discusion, and everyone trying to figure out what there decision process is! I look forward to seeing how this class will go! 

My other class is politician science! What perfect timing to take this class with the next presidential election being this year! I'm excited about this class because I'm thrilled to actually be educated on politics and actually understand it! 

My other class in taking is principles of sustainablity! It is all about sustaining the earth! This is by far my favorite class because it is right up by alley! We talk about ways to sustain the earth, the the bees to organic farming, to climate change and water pollution! I have also been wanting to become a better environmentalist and I think this class will help push me to do that! It already is and I've only had two classes! This will be good for me. I need to work on shrinking my ecological footprint 😉

It honestly feels so refreshing to be EXCITED about school again! I feel so overwhelmed to have finally found what I want to do, I have never felt so sure about a path being right for me! Non profit management, travel, design thinking, problem solving, environmentalist, and communicating! All my passions in one career path 

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