Tuesday, January 26, 2016

back to school

Being back to school this semester is better than I thought. I think the big difference is I actually, really enjoy my classes! I feel a little lame but there things I would like to learn about in my free time so that makes going to school & being an enthusiastic learner not quite that big of a challenge! 

Ion of my classes: introduction to ethics is very fascinating! I love the way it's structured. It's always debates, and talking about controversial issues. The classes is c erg active, and vocal. There is always group discusion, and everyone trying to figure out what there decision process is! I look forward to seeing how this class will go! 

My other class is politician science! What perfect timing to take this class with the next presidential election being this year! I'm excited about this class because I'm thrilled to actually be educated on politics and actually understand it! 

My other class in taking is principles of sustainablity! It is all about sustaining the earth! This is by far my favorite class because it is right up by alley! We talk about ways to sustain the earth, the the bees to organic farming, to climate change and water pollution! I have also been wanting to become a better environmentalist and I think this class will help push me to do that! It already is and I've only had two classes! This will be good for me. I need to work on shrinking my ecological footprint 😉

It honestly feels so refreshing to be EXCITED about school again! I feel so overwhelmed to have finally found what I want to do, I have never felt so sure about a path being right for me! Non profit management, travel, design thinking, problem solving, environmentalist, and communicating! All my passions in one career path 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

What's your perfect day?

My cousin, Cameron, works in L.A at an advertising film company. They had a break in assignments so their boss gave them a film project. It was for them to each film what their perfect day would be from start to finish. Once done, it was easy for each person to think, hmm why do I not do many of the things on my ideal perfect day list daily in my life? So, I decided to write about what my ideal, whole, perfect day would be like. I’m hoping this will inspire me to start adding more authentic things to my days. 
The Perfect Day

* To be honest my perfect day would be traveling the world and living free with adventure and my heart filled with love and foreign land- but I'm going to do my perfect day in a realistic approach- something that would be attainable to do tomorrow if I wanted*

1.) Wake up early (but not too early- because to early would not be apart of my perfect day), lets say around 8am-but honestly more like 9am after I hit snooze a few times ;) 

2.) Get up slowly, this means wake up stretch a little, dance my body awake a little and just rejuvenate my sleeping body

3.) I would make my self a healthy, yummy breakfast. Some fresh fruit, avocado and egg toast with one of my healthy juices, definitely would include coffee in the morning. 

4.) Really enjoy and eat my breakfast slowly- preferably on a porch where I can feel the sun and mindfully listen to the noises around me outside 

5.) Then I would meditate after getting myself all ready to go (workout clothes) I would do an hour long meditation to clear my mind and to set the mood for the day. 

6.) I would go to a yoga class, maybe hot yoga at graces studio

7.) Then I would head to door county (this beautiful place for hiking and nature) and I would hike in Peninsula state park 

8.) After hiking I would head home and maybe get a healthy lunch with a good friend and have good conversation 

9.) After my lunch I would head to a coffee shop, preferably Luna coffee shop, where I would read for hours, do some embroidering, listen to my music, sip on my coffee, plan my next travel adventure, and just indulge in my contentment and hobbies. 

10.) Then after sometime at the coffee shop I would spend some time with my dad for maybe dinner and a movie at his house. 

11.) Then I would head home, take a warm shower, snuggle into bed and watch some Netflix and go to bed relatively early. 

Making a list of your perfect day, just a realistic list, stuff you could actually do tomorrow if you wanted, is actually really nice. Making this list made me feel inspired to start doing these things more; they are in my grasps I just need to stop making excuses and start doing. 

Friday, January 15, 2016


I have been dedicating a lot of time to music recently. I've always been a huge music fan, but this past year I've been researching new music and lots of local stuff. 

I love finding super small, funky artist. BUT- more specifically I've been getting into the actual act of what makes certain genres so unique. A big one for me right now is the indie rock/folk and punk rock/garage rock stuff. 

I have a coworker billy who has been educating me on lots great punk rock ( mainly 90s bands - like sonic youth, Fuzz, Fugazi, etc). Anyways he's super great and actually records his own stuff, like podcasting work. 

What is podcasting? 

a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.

Podcasting can be used for:

1. Self-Guided Walking Tours - Informational content. 

2. Music - Band promotional clips and interviews.

3. Talk Shows - Industry or organizational news, investor news, sportscasts, news coverage and commentaries.

4. Training - Instructional informational materials.

5. Story - Story telling for children or the visually-impaired

I've been quite obsessed with questioning him about his and all that goes behind it ( dealing with all the different pedals and how they all add to the sound of the audio).

I think i am so intrigued because I decided I want to get more into music and what goes behind it. I want to learn how to make my own podcast and learn to play instruments and mess around with audios and recordings. I want to start making my own music and understanding more about music and the terminology and background to stuff. I want to put more time into this hobby.

What sparked this interest in being more involved with music and how it's made and produced came from my favorite artist: shakey graves. He is a one man band and started making his own music just from his home. I love his funky sounds and the breaks in his music. One site explains him like this: 

As Shakey Graves, Rose-Garcia from Austin, Texas, He plays a gnarly composite of blues and folk as a one-man-band of epic sonic proportions. The sound emitted from his hollow body guitar, mildly distorted amp and suitcase drum belie the young singer’s lean frame. He fingerpicks while keeping time with a double-pedal kick drum, hitting a snare fitted into his suitcase drum and a tambourine fashioned to its side. And when he sings, Rose-Garcia unleashes an unearthly howl. Gritty groans and sexy moans carry his stories of both accepting and trying to overcome personal challenges masked with old-timey Western imagery.

This post above explains it all. I want to be able to really HEAR music and know what goes into it all. It fascinates me, especially seeing the quality and uniques that can come from people like shakey graves.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Loft parties

 Lately I've been thinking about time a lot; not necessarily in a bad way. I've just been conscious of it. How fast it goes, how precious it is. I've been having so many beautiful, really in the moment moments. Times where I am just sitting around with friends, or family and just feel so content, pure happiness.

We have these "loft parties" often at out place because we have the perfect set up for parties. Lately the parties have been getting better and bigger. We have so many different groups of people who come together and by the end of the night were all best friends. No one is mean to anyone, there is no fighting just all good vibes. We have coworkers, my old friends, Raeannas old friends, and our new friends and everyone just laughs and loves eachother. 

It's these moments that make me appreciate being a college student. I really value this time of "pre adult" where me and my friends can just hang out, get drunk, smoke, and make dumb decisions. I know it's moments like these that I will be looking back on when I'm older. I am so thankful for this time in my life and all the wonder friends and opportunities I have. 

This loft party was a little better than the rest because we had so many new people come, along with older friends of ours, so we had such an interesting group AND we made our famous pinky pantry droppers, and those always fuck everyone up.

We had photo shoots outside, my friend Jacob did a fire breathing show, we smoked, we drank, and we were just weird. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Friends & the future

Well, Raeanna and I are back home from New York.  I have to say usually when I get home from a trip I get post travel depression pretty bad, and it takes me a while to get back into the swing of things. For some reason this time I wasnt that sad. Dont get me wrong, I loved NYC and I miss that wonderful city already, and I definetly still want to get out of Green Bay when I am done with school and move to a city that is more me  and has more to offer ( like Portland, or Austin). BUT, this time I didnt feel to bad and I didnt understand why, till now.

FUTURE: I think it is because, for once I am SO excited about school. I changed my major to public health and global studies and it has changed my attitude about school. I feel excited to be on a path that is finally me, and my passion. It is changing my whole outlook on my future. I cannot wait to see what my path holds for me.

FRIENDS: I think another influence as to why I am not as post travel depressed as usual is because, friends. Being away on my trip made me realize, I have some wonderful wonderful friends in my life. I have always had a big group of friends, but at this time in my life I finally have a good group of loyal friends. All who are people I can be weird, and laugh with. REAL friends. I feel so fortunate. My first day back I had to work, I though it was going to be awful, but I was wrong. My coworkers ( who happened to be my good friends) greeted me with love and joy. My whole day was filled with big laughs, hugs, smiles, and lots of " I MISSED YOUS. It made me feel so at home. I love all the people in my life. One of coworkers, Heather, is a new best friend of mine. We are two peas in a pod. we both love artistic things, being happy, and being kind.  I missed her so much when I was gone. I worked with her all day my first day back, and if that wasnt enough, I went over to her house for dinner and stayed all night.

I even have a date tomorrow with one of the guys I've been talking too, I am really looking forward to it. I always enjoy his company.

Ok, the point of all this sappy stuff -> That even if you don't love where you are located, and you have big dream and aspirations, you can still enjoy where you are at. Every step in your life is a stepping stone to your future.

Life can always be what you want it to be, it all depends on your perspective.
Mine is definetly changing, and in perfect time for the New Year.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

"New Year, New Me"

"New Year, New Me' what a cliche right?

But I never get sick of seeing people post their dreams and goals for the New Year. I think I love it so much because it shows that everyone has things, attitudes, and circumstances that they want to fix. No ones life is perfect, and the New Year is a reminder of that.

The past 2 years have been a wonderful time for me. A time for growth, travel, learning and valuable friendship and family connections.  Ever since I have been on my mindful path( which has been about 2 years)  and have been reading countless books on being present, being mindful, being a learner, books on personalities and relationships, and books on meditation, life has been a beautiful stroll. Obviously not every single day is perfect, but for the most part my life is filled with happiness and contentment. To add to this lifestyle I am creating for myself, I have decided to write my list of New Year Resolutions on here, hopefully this will hold me more accountable ;)

2016 Resolutions:

My over all ideal concept for the New year is, " Make better use of my free time" I am using this as my New Year mantra because I believe all my New year resolutions can be equated back to my not using my free time to its full potential.  Instead of a 4 hour binge of Netflix on my free time, I could of gone on a hike, hit the gym, or finished a few chapters of a book; you get the idea, right? Time management can be a huge life changer!

1.) READ MORE -> I am not going to list a specific number of books I want to go through this year, because that can be overwhelming and set me up for failure. I just simply, want to read MORE.

2.) COMPLAIN LESS -> Even though I have been trying hard to cut this out already in my life, it is still one of weaknesses, and it something I am not found of in myself! 2016 will be a year of fewer complaints!

3.) TRAVEL MORE! -> Even though I have to admit that I am a travel queen and am quite addicted to " hitting the road" I want to makes sure that I continue this. This doesnt have to just mean large, or far away trips, even just small local trips.

4.) HIKE! -> I have done a fair amount of hiking in my life, but not enough. I am a person who loves to hike but I am out of shape so sometimes I put it off, or have a hard time with it ( It is mostly my mind telling me I will never make it to the top alive!)  This is exactly why I want to push myself to do it more, its an activity I love, and doing it will reconnect me with nature more and help get me into shape!

5.) GO TO MORE CONCERTS-> This may sound like a strange one, but I am a huge music person. I dedicate hours looking up music, and finding cute, hipster artists. I love looking on youtube and finding killer small bands. I went to see my all time, favorite, small artist , shakey graves. Going to his concert, because in all honesty I have not been to many concerts of artist I absolutely love, made me realize I need to invest more time to this! I would love to be able to see more o my favorite artist live!

6.) BE HEALTHY-> I know that this is basically on everyones list, but it is important to me. I am a person who watches numberous health food documentries and i actually do enjoy working out, i just do not make enough time for it, and tend to over indulge in food. I want to not just lose weight, I want to create  healthy life style and habits. Which means dedication, dedication to the gym, to devoting money on healthy food, and devoting a positive mindset! I know I can do this.

7.) GET MORE COMFORTABLE WITH THE UNCOMFORTABLE -> I am pretty good at this in certain situations, like traveling, and being outgoing and talking to strangers. But in certain areas I am lacking this mind set and I think it is something that can always be worked on.

8.) BE MORE PRESENT -> I have been working on this for a while now, on my journey. I have come very far, but there is always room for improvement. Being present  does so much good for you and your life.

9.) DO NOT LET OTHER PEOPLES OPINION OF YOU CONSUME YOU -> I really struggle with this. I am a happy, content person, and usually can brush off people who I just don't mix well with, but sometimes I let it eat me alive. I over worry, and I over think. Not everyone you meet in your life is going to like you. Do not dwell on it, and appreciate the ones who do. I know I need to work on this and it will be a tough one for me, especially when it comes to guys. I am tired of not feeling good enough. A lot of the times when people, or guys are unattracted to you, its because your insecurites are overshining and people are not seeing the real you, they are seeing your weaknesses.

10.) LEARN TO TAKE A STEP BACK/ GO WITH THE FLOW -> This can be realated to so much, and is a big one for me. So many times I feel I ruin something before it even had time to blossom; whether it be ideas, realtionships, or mindsets. I tend to over think and analzye, and all it does is stress me out and ruin things that could of been good. I need to learn to go with the flow more, to not get so worked up, and to realize what is meant to happen, will happen.

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Eve in Times Square

The Rae and I decided to keep our morning pretty low key since we knew we had a big night ahead of us. We went to see the Brooklyn bridge, and the Brooklyn promenade. Both had beautiful views of the city. 

I love layering and wearing winter appeal- it's nice to look cute in the big city. 

We then went to this adorable, vintage shop called, beacons closet. Rae and I were both in love with it; super hipster, affordable clothes. 

Alright. Here I go. I am going to attempt to explain how our drunken night in the big city on New Year's Eve in time square went. 

First off we bought a bottle of alcohol to pre game with. Not realizing how short we were on time ( we bought time square tickets and knew it was going to be packed and hard to pee) so we had 30 minutes to finish the bottle and head out the door. And we did it. Drunk at 6:30, perfect. We headed to the subway station and had a long ride to Times Square but we eventually made it. We got to the street we need to be on but the roads were crossed off and you could only walk across with a cop, and they were only doing 4 people at a time. We bonded with all the people in line how we we're pissed about having to wait for 49 minutes to cross the street. 

Eventually we made it to our first stop, replies believe it- or not. And this is where it went all down hill. When we bought these passes we had to get that under 21 bracelets, which is why we pre games so hard because we thought we couldn't drink. We were wrong. We walked up to that bars at each level and filled out cups to the brim with wine each time. We always have great luck with underage drinking because bartenders always love us. It was fun to be drinking at replies with all the little surprises along the way. In our drunken stupidity we decided to get our faces painted, we were the only adults in this line, lol. Rae and I before we knew it were the drunkest ones there laughing and thinking the fart button in the bathroom was hilarious. So we were drunk and on to the next destination

The next stop on our tickets was guy ferries restaurant. We went right up to the bar and I ordered is vodka cranberries. Not only did they not ID me but we didn't have to pay for ANY OF THEM! They were apart of the ticket if you were "21". We ate the food at the buffet and it was so good. I ended up having to run to the bathroom to throw up! That didn't stop me. Puke and rally my friends. Rae and I kept sipping our vodka cranberries and talking with strangers. At this point we were well past drunk. Somehow we ended up in the elevator with these two girls and we started taking pictures so we kept going up and down the elevator laughing and taking pictures. When we got to the lower level the final time as the doors opened I fell out, right in front of security, taking a few people down with me! Rae and j ran from security and he follows us, we ran right out the door, and we're fleeced to head to our next destination. 


On our walk to the bowling alley, we started a conversation with a cop, who we apparently got a photo with. As we were walking away he said drink some coffee to sober up and I yelled back , "you mean vodka cranberries" I'm always keeping it classy. 

A lot of this I didn't remember and had to piece it together, or be told by Rae who remembered more than I did. 

When we got to the bowling alley Rae went right in but I was stopped by the owner who told me I was way to drunk to enter. I apparently got mad at Rae and told her she was just as drunk, so she went back inside. I told the group outside with me that I was from Wales, as I said this in a British accent lol, and that I had to get inside with my friend. They tried there best to help me but still the owner would not let me in. Eventually he left to go somewhere and the  security guard told me I could go on BUT COULD NOT DRINK. So I headed in and went right to get a vodka cranberry lol

We started bowling at a lane that wasn't ours, and were told to leave the bowling area. All of a sudden it was almost midnight and we were at the bar so we ran up to these two big black Securitate guards and asked if they would be our New Years kiss, surprising they said yes. It must of been our drunken charm that won them over. 
This is where it all went mega down hill for me, I blacked out and don't remember the journey home all to well. When we got to the subway station by Times Square I guess I approached these Jesus protesters who were chanting "he has the answer" I went up and said "I want the answer" they told me I was drunk and a sinner and I guess I started yelling at them that Jesus doesn't love them because they are mean. Raeanna was so mom. She was drunk but still managed to plan our journey home. I apparently was crying a lot saying I wasn't gonna make it, I was falling sleep, yelling, and laying on the subway ground. But eventually we did make it home. 

This post doesn't even do the night justice. Was I a hot black out drunk mess? Yes! But I'm not embarrassed this was New Year's Eve in New York City with my best friend and I was shit drunk! Bucket list crosses off for sure! What a stellar way to bring in the new year! 2016 has great things in store for me, I can feel it!