"New Year, New Me' what a cliche right?
But I never get sick of seeing people post their dreams and goals for the New Year. I think I love it so much because it shows that everyone has things, attitudes, and circumstances that they want to fix. No ones life is perfect, and the New Year is a reminder of that.
The past 2 years have been a wonderful time for me. A time for growth, travel, learning and valuable friendship and family connections. Ever since I have been on my mindful path( which has been about 2 years) and have been reading countless books on being present, being mindful, being a learner, books on personalities and relationships, and books on meditation, life has been a beautiful stroll. Obviously not every single day is perfect, but for the most part my life is filled with happiness and contentment. To add to this lifestyle I am creating for myself, I have decided to write my list of New Year Resolutions on here, hopefully this will hold me more accountable ;)
2016 Resolutions:
My over all ideal concept for the New year is, " Make better use of my free time" I am using this as my New Year mantra because I believe all my New year resolutions can be equated back to my not using my free time to its full potential. Instead of a 4 hour binge of Netflix on my free time, I could of gone on a hike, hit the gym, or finished a few chapters of a book; you get the idea, right? Time management can be a huge life changer!
1.) READ MORE -> I am not going to list a specific number of books I want to go through this year, because that can be overwhelming and set me up for failure. I just simply, want to read MORE.
2.) COMPLAIN LESS -> Even though I have been trying hard to cut this out already in my life, it is still one of weaknesses, and it something I am not found of in myself! 2016 will be a year of fewer complaints!
3.) TRAVEL MORE! -> Even though I have to admit that I am a travel queen and am quite addicted to " hitting the road" I want to makes sure that I continue this. This doesnt have to just mean large, or far away trips, even just small local trips.
4.) HIKE! -> I have done a fair amount of hiking in my life, but not enough. I am a person who loves to hike but I am out of shape so sometimes I put it off, or have a hard time with it ( It is mostly my mind telling me I will never make it to the top alive!) This is exactly why I want to push myself to do it more, its an activity I love, and doing it will reconnect me with nature more and help get me into shape!
5.) GO TO MORE CONCERTS-> This may sound like a strange one, but I am a huge music person. I dedicate hours looking up music, and finding cute, hipster artists. I love looking on youtube and finding killer small bands. I went to see my all time, favorite, small artist , shakey graves. Going to his concert, because in all honesty I have not been to many concerts of artist I absolutely love, made me realize I need to invest more time to this! I would love to be able to see more o my favorite artist live!
6.) BE HEALTHY-> I know that this is basically on everyones list, but it is important to me. I am a person who watches numberous health food documentries and i actually do enjoy working out, i just do not make enough time for it, and tend to over indulge in food. I want to not just lose weight, I want to create healthy life style and habits. Which means dedication, dedication to the gym, to devoting money on healthy food, and devoting a positive mindset! I know I can do this.
7.) GET MORE COMFORTABLE WITH THE UNCOMFORTABLE -> I am pretty good at this in certain situations, like traveling, and being outgoing and talking to strangers. But in certain areas I am lacking this mind set and I think it is something that can always be worked on.
8.) BE MORE PRESENT -> I have been working on this for a while now, on my journey. I have come very far, but there is always room for improvement. Being present does so much good for you and your life.
9.) DO NOT LET OTHER PEOPLES OPINION OF YOU CONSUME YOU -> I really struggle with this. I am a happy, content person, and usually can brush off people who I just don't mix well with, but sometimes I let it eat me alive. I over worry, and I over think. Not everyone you meet in your life is going to like you. Do not dwell on it, and appreciate the ones who do. I know I need to work on this and it will be a tough one for me, especially when it comes to guys. I am tired of not feeling good enough. A lot of the times when people, or guys are unattracted to you, its because your insecurites are overshining and people are not seeing the real you, they are seeing your weaknesses.
10.) LEARN TO TAKE A STEP BACK/ GO WITH THE FLOW -> This can be realated to so much, and is a big one for me. So many times I feel I ruin something before it even had time to blossom; whether it be ideas, realtionships, or mindsets. I tend to over think and analzye, and all it does is stress me out and ruin things that could of been good. I need to learn to go with the flow more, to not get so worked up, and to realize what is meant to happen, will happen.