Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Ladies Ladies Ladies

Since I have been home I have been spending a lot of time with the amazing women in my life. It feels like a nice time. We are all choosing to empower each other instead of bring each other down. This is why I love the women in my life.

I have to say I have always had an amazing friend group. We are such a weird, loving group. I would not want it any other way.

We have been hosting a lot of surprise topless Thursday's. Like in a hotel pool, drunk at our house, in elevators... it's been great. 

Ive been having a lot of girls night, with good talks, and sexy, fun photos being taken. 

It'a important that the people in your life lift you up, these are people you are surrounded by and your energy picks up on those around you. We all deserve to be happy. 

I guess life has been a little weird since I have been home to. Its strange I feel so happy and that I am learning and expanding so much. I also feel sad, lonely, and lost.

I guess this is just adulthood.

Anyways... I am learning a lot. Life is all about lessons and what you can take about them.

Im learning to start to pay attention to the good again. To appreciate those who appreciate you and to take everything one step at a time. 

I'm not sure what the main theme of this post. I think maybe it is just an accurate represetnation of my life... all over the place but learning to take things as they come, and to know your worth.

Thankful for the good in my life today-- even though it can be hard to look at the good all the time. 

I have a new friend this semester that I made at my university. Her name is Olivia and I DO NOT KNOW what I would have done with out her. She gets my crazy, drama, dramatic side. We are so similar. She is teaching me that it is okay to be all over the place, it's okay to embarrass yourself and just be you. 

 These are just some photos of us messing around in the sun 

Amanda and Hanna. They both have been people I have known a while, but we recently have got close. We all gain a lot from eachother. Empowerment, love and acceptance.

Just like minded souls that allow you to just be and exist 

I am thankful for their energies and love 

Then there is Janna and Lesley, two friends of mine whenever I see it is laughter, it is fun, and it is easy 

I love people who you learn from and grow from 

Then of course there is Rae. Everyone knows I love my Rae. She is my roommate and best friend. We have always been a match made in heaven, but recently the love and value of our relationship has been prevailing more than usual. 

Everyone needs a friend like that. That just gets and knows you. 

We also get up to the weirdest shit sometimes, just making 
the best of where we are at. 

Then there is my new friend Amanda. She quickly became a best friend. She is bold, and honest, and almost too forward and blunt. I am learning a lot from her. She makes me want to defend myself and to not deal with anyones shit, and to know my worth.

I don't have many pictures of her and 
I that are appropriate to post but  she has been an incredible influence in my life.

I obviously have many other friends in my life that I value-- but these are just a few of my babes who the connect is perfectly compatible, and we help each other be the best version we can be. 

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