Honesty with myself:
sometimes it's just easier to tell little white lies to yourself to save your ego and feelings. In my life right now I am unhonest with myself about my weight. I keep saying, "oh your not that big, it's fine." Although this is in part true- everyone and everything is beautiful in its own way. We should not let society set unrealistic standards for us. BUT I know i WANT to lose weight and be healthier. So, lying to myself about what I eat and do is not going to get my anywhere.
Another huge unhonest part of my life is in certain realationships. I find myself making excuses, never following through with what I say, or being able to get go of toxic people. I'm unhonest about how there actions hurt me and how my unhonest actions and thoughts about the situations affect me. My life is too short to be surrounded by people who I feel l need to "work" to be there friend. This is such a freeing epiphany. It is taking hard work but slowly I am discovering my worth. I am more then being a "back burner friend" or a friend that people can walk all over me and still expect me to be there. I am more then my weight. I am more hen society's standards and expectations. I CAN accomplish what I set my mind too. I CAN blossom. Slowly i am getting rid of those toxic people. I am getting my voice back. I am beautiful and alive. This is my life I want to laugh, grow, experience, and I want to do that with like minded people who appreciate me and this life we have.
We tell ourselves stories to try to make sense of what we don't know or understand. I tell myself stories of how this time I know the friendship will be different, they will really change this time. That they are worth the toxicness. We tell ourselves these stories because we don't trust that we will do the right thing or make the right decision...
Don't tell yourself stories anymore. Tell yourself reality, and accept the groundlessness of not knowing he outcome of every situations or have control over others peoples actions and thoughts.
I've had to have some honest conversations with myself and some friends. They were not easy, but they were needed. I recommend this to everyone. An example of this is my friend Lucas. We got coffee today, and instead of being my old self snd allowing things to just be and not bringing up how I was feeling , because I didn't want to "risk the friendship", I expressed how he hurts me and how I am growing old of how our relationship is. I expressed that I deserve better that that. It was a hard talk and I know it was things he didn't want to hear. I could see on his face he was surprised...
Later that day he texted me and thanked me for my honesty that forced him to be honest with himself and how he treats people.
I refuse to be stepped on. I want to shine and be surroundedbymy what I give out. Don't let your flame and energy me squashed by others actions or opinions of you. Being honest with yourself sheds light on your weakness that you need to fix, it allows a fresh mindset for a life of mindfulness and contentment. Not everyone or every situation in your life is going to be ideal, but how you react and handle it is what determines how things will be.
Choose to be honest.