Sunday, February 21, 2016


The Life has been so rad lately. I'm such a content period of happiness. I just feel appreciative of how I've been spending my time & the people in my life. I just feel so happy. I recently got a Polaroid camera - and I love love it. 

I've had a few hang out with friends where I've captured some candid moments :

One of my best friends, Clair and I. She's my weirdest friend and I love it. We decided to do a "mysterious grunge photo shoot" 

My friend Jessica and I sippin on some coffee 

Another best friend and I, Whitney :

Whitney and hanging out with out friend cheyanna before she leaves for California 

My friend Lucas and I having a little mini photo shoot on Valentine's Day :

My friend Kasey and her boyfriend snappin some "dirty grunge kid pictures " 


I think i love Polaroid pictures more than regular pictures- they're so fun and creative. I love the way they turn your memories into vintage, candid moments ✨💕

Friday, February 5, 2016

West bend & old friends

 This past weekend I made my way to West Bend to see a friend of mine from my time at the Univesity of Milwaukee. I have not seen him in a year and a half. The secound I saw him it was as if nothing had changed.

I always really enjoy my time with Zach because he is one of those people who is always well put together, is down for anything, loves to advneture, and have a good time. There was not one dull moment during my weekend in west bend.

The first night we went to get some fresh cheese and wine! We also got to see the most stunning sunset- zach and I appreicated it for a good 10 minutes while stopped on the road, with every car passing us and hoonking! We didnt care though, it was too beautiful to not take the time to appreciate how alive it made us feel. 

Friday night we made a healthy dinner and drank wine at Zach's boyfriend, Nicks, house. I met some of zachs friends and family. We got drunk and played cards against humanity. It was a realxing night!

The next day Zach and I were amped up! We got up early, got dressed up, drank loads of coffee and then hit the town! We drank komboca, walked around hobby lobby, took a walk, and indulged in other influnces ;) By the time night bowling came around we were well messed up!

We went bowling, got shit drunk and had  a good ole time! Zach, and all his friends and I had a long night of drinking, laughs, good conversation, and some poor bowling skills!

I ended my weekend with Zach by going to a really cool returnt on the river! we got MUCH needed bloody marys and beer!

It was a weekend that warmed my heart and was exactly what I needed.

coffee shops

You can't pour from an empty cup; take care of yourself first.

I love that quote because it is so accurate. You cannot expect to help and fill other people if you, yourself are not spirtually filled. Coffee shops are exactly where I go when I need that time ti fill myself up. Literally and figuatively ;) 

Reasons I love coffee shops:

1.)  I meet MY kind of people. It is always at coffee shops that I meet the best people and baristas.  I meet people who introduce me to new music, people who have new ideas and mindsets to offer me.

2.) Feng Shui: There is something so beautiful to me about a coffee shop with a rustic, vintage, hipster aesthetic. I love going to cute coffee shops, dressed up just because I know the environment itself is exactly my type of place. Nothing like a good enviroment to get you motivated at whatever your task is. 

3.) Travel: While traveling I have made it a habit to try and stop at as many cute, local coffee shops as possible. There is nothing like sipping on a cup of joe at a hip coffee shop during your stay at Austin, TX.

4.) Old & New: Meeting up with either old friends or new.  Coffee shop conversation can never be bad. I have the best times, conversations, laughs, and experiences meeting up with people at coffee shops. The conversation seems to go on and on, and so do the cups of coffee. Two of my favorite things.

5.) Spirtually filled: Anytime I go to a coffee shop I use my free time wonderfully. I either do homework, have a conversation, read a book, color, learn something new, listen to music, the list goes on and on. It is safe to say that coffee shops always just inspire me to me present and use my free time to the maximum. 

These are just somr moments of times I've had at coffee shops 💕☕️